3 things I learned from taking a break from social media

When 2016 came I decided how could I make the new year start better than taking a break from social media (mainly Twitter and Instagram)? After I having had my IPhone for a little more than two years and using (or more correctly scrolling the newsfeed not wanting to miss out on anything) Twitter and Instagram up til 7 or 8 times a day, I decided it was finally time to take a break from it. Social media had been taking so much of my time and it had especially been taking the time from me I had scheduled to use reading in my Bible and just relaxing.
Instead of being present where I was, I had become so busy being present where I was not-on social media. And I had become so stressed, I did not have enough time to do all the things that really mattered to me.
So in order to get my focus and priorities straight and having more time I began to take a break from social media. I did not go on Twitter and Instagram a single time during 7 days. I knew it would be tough to break a habit that have been there for so long. But I started. And here is what I learned:

  1. Before the break I thought that I would miss out so many things and opportunities not being on social media, but I soon realized that in all honesty I did miss out on a single thing not being on social media. Oh yes, I sure missed out seing a lot of beautiful pictures, but regarding the real things that really matters I missed out on nothing. Nothing of real importance. Instead I realized how much I was able to accomplish with the extra time I had.
  2. It was much easier to get things and homework done when I did not have lots of notifications disturbing me every 5 minutes. Suddenly my tasks did not take so much time anymore. I had time to relax.
  3. I was a lot happier without looking at my phone all the time. I experienced a freedom I had not experienced in a loong time. I learned to be grateful for silence. I learned that silence and not knowing what to do could bring so many opportunities and creativity. Instead of just pulling out my phone, I spent time just relaxing or actually doing something of significance. Something that was not about getting noticed online. Something that was about real friendships.

Attention, Israel!

God, our God! God the one and only!

Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that’s in you, love him with all you’ve got! 

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

If you can relate to some of the things below I highly encourage you to take a break from social media (or maybe even your phone) for some time:

  • Are frustrated when you don’t have your phone
  • Goes on social media when there is people around you, you actually could talk to instead
  • Feel left out if you are not on social media a certain number of times everyday
  • Logs on social media more than 5 times every day

Not saying you have a problem with social media if you can relate to some of the things above, I just highly want to recommend thinking about how much time you spend on your phone and how it makes you feel. I think we all could need a break from social media sometimes.

What I have enjoyed reading recently

One of my goals for this year is getting more receptive to the voice of God. Often I have such a hard time just listening to God’s voice, because I am so used to getting things done quickly and if things do not happen in my timing, I will start doing something else. This is what the society tells us all the time. I just want to take time and listen. His voice might sound like a whisper at first, but once you get to know Him and His voice it will be much more clear. Continue reading

Putting God first by Christina Johansen

Processed with MoldivToday’s post is written by one of my dear friends Christina. I met her on a missions trip to Malaga, Spain this past summer. She is truly one of a kind. The fact that she is able to make banana pancakes with closed eyes says it all-believe me, I have seen it myself 😉 I have not met many people who have such a fierce love for the Lord as Christina has. One of the things she is really passionate talking about is putting Jesus first and how much Jesus means to her. So take a look at what she has to say. She sure got something on her heart.

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You are loved

No matter how you feel
You are loved.
No matter what they tell you
You are loved.
No matter if you do not have one single friend
You are still  loved.
Just as loved as the person who were friends with every single person in the whole world.
No matter if you have been told you are unlovable
You are loved.
No matter if you have never been told you are loved
You are loved.


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Going pink in London: Wearing LC Lauren Conrad Runway Collection

Once upon a time there was a girl whose favorite color was pink. When the end of October came close, she went on a plane and traveled to London. In London she decided to visit every pink restaurant and shop that she could find. And to top it all she decided to wear some cloth from her favorite collection – the famous LC Lauren Conrad Runway Collection.

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When God seems distant

Let’s start this post with one of the really controversial (according to a lot of people) passages in the Bible:

21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

Matthew 15:21-28 (New International Version)

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Meet 19-year old intern for Vera Wang Brandie Rose Ribeiro

Collage blogToday I want to welcome the amazing Brandie Rose Ribeiro to my blog. For those of you who do not know her, Brandie is 19 years old, a bridal intern for the famous designer brand Vera Wang, the designer behind singer and songwriter Moriah Peters’ dress in her new music video for ‘Brave’ and a Christian. She is super inspiring and I am so honored to be able to feature her on my blog today! Hope you will be inspired by this amazing woman of God just like I have been.

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Tips on taking the perfect picture and more by photographer and storyteller Mara Grace Cortez

11021178_623494404450613_4427942502697359715_nA couple months ago I stumbled upon Mara Grace Cortez’ instagram account. Seing God’s creation that was captured in these pictures on this account changed my perspective. Why? Because until then I had never in my wildest imagination thought that such beautiful places existed on this earth. These pictures reminded me of how much God loves us. He loves us too much to just keep His perfect creations in Heaven. He wants us, undeserving sinners, to enjoy them as well. He has not forgotten us. His perfectness is not kept on the other side of earth, no, it is also displayed here on this side of Heaven.
Therefore I am so incredibly honored to feature the extremely talented photographer and storyteller behind the pictures on my blog today. No one else than my favorite photographer, the gorgeous Mara Grace Cortez. What an honor! This woman sure has something on her heart and I hope you will be inspired by her, just as much as I am. A look at her instagram with almost 20.000 followers might indicate that I am not the only one who love her and her work. And without further ado let’s get into what Mara has to share.

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